新書《立體書創作手冊 The Pop-Up Creation Manual 》即將上市 coming soon
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 新書《立體書創作手冊 The Pop-Up Creation Manual 》即將上市 Coming soon





這是一本立體書的教學手冊。透過摺以及黏貼讓讀者自己動手做出屬於自己的立體書。書中包含了72種不同的立體結構,並且由淺至深分成六個章節 —— 雙足、矩陣、V摺、井字、連動以及複合,讓讀者循序漸進地學習各種立體書的創作類型與應用。獻給所有立體書創作者、老師、學生以及紙藝設計師。


A guidebook on how to make the pop-up book. This book is based on an external sticking structure to work with the patented based-card that can be freely connected, allowing the readers to complete the pop-up models and to organize the pages according to personal preferences or needs. The book contains a total of 72 different tactics divided into six chapters: Feet, Matrix, V-Fold, Trellis, Linkage, and Complex, from easy to more challenging, step by step to bring out the various types and applications for exploring creativity in the realm of pop-up books. This guided manual is perfect for aspiring pop-up creators, paper engineers, students, teachers and appreciators of this unique art form.